Sunday, September 19, 2010

2x Mastery Boost

The 2x Master Boost was introduced today. I've used it a few times: when you get one, you are allowed to send one. A few odd things about this boost:

- Once you accept a gifted boost, it becomes available a few jobs later
- Once you use the boost (which is immediate after it becomes available) you can send one to mafia members. The members recommended to me seemed inactive, so I wonder if I will get any back?

I used mine on some LV jobs costing LV$10,000. I would have used it on one needing consumables, but I am not trying to complete districts 7 and 8 just yet.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dublin, mini-cities - and how to beat them

Zynga has introduced a number of mini-city "challenges" and this article examines completing the challenges easily and efficiently. Some of these challenges have been easier than others but each challenge involves acquiring many consumable items to perform a series of time-driven jobs.
All of these jobs offer good loot upon completing each "big", time-oriented job tier. In Dublin the first of these is "Euro Train." More specifically, the Euro-Train is open for 5 days before the second tier and those two are unlocked before a third. Each tier and each job in a tier must be finished before the next is unlocked.
As you perform the job consumables are used: for Dublin they consumables are Stout Ale's. Once a certain number of jobs are done, the "heat meter" reaches amber, then red. At each level (nothing, amber and red) more consumables and more energy are required do the job.
Each job gives 1 stat point once 100% complete. In Dublin you also get a loot item! Hence the "4x loot" - one loot item for each of the jobs in the tier.
What is the best way to approach these challenges? First, you need lots of the consumables, ranging from hundreds to thousands for the individual challenge. Dublin gives you plenty of time, so it is a little easier than previous challenges; the less time alloted the more quickly you have to do jobs at low energy, i.e., when the heat meter resets after 8 hours.
Second you need energy. When you do one job, you probably want to do the maximum number you can without really hurting your long-term chances. I'm a little vague here because of a few different strategies (below). But you want to do at least 6 jobs at once. If you are low on consumables, you can get more by doing jobs - even 2 energy jobs in NYC!
I've tried these challenges with all sorts of characters. The key to these challenges is to not fall behind. This leads to two strategies I've used and liked:

1. Do the job EVERY 8 hours. Do it no matter what. Do the job only while it is not even at amber level.

2. Do the job every 8 hours - but if you can't (e.g., from working) get AHEAD of the challenge. I had lots of Stout Ales, so started the job on an energy pack level and went all the way through the red category. That gave me about 2 free days worth of not worrying about finishing the job. However, to do this I not only burned thousands of extra energy points and lots of Stout Ales, but I also waited to finish my energy pack for hours - and went to sleep - for the challenge to BEGIN at 8 am my time. But at least I got far enough ahead to not worry about it while at work.

Happy Hunting!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Beating Bosses - visiting San Juan

Zynga has had a few promotions like the San Juan promotion that is currently underway. We love them: they are engaging and they offer great loot. Please note that when I talk about these fights, I am talking about fighting at the highest level: lower level fights are easier.

There are a number of guidelines you should keep in mind in order to win at these:

1. Make sure you have enough stamina. I've completed all the promotions like these ones, usually several times. The San Juan promotion requires a HUGE amount of stamina: if you don't have 1000 stamina, help someone on the higher tiers because...

2. Helping people is very useful. If you don't have the stamina to beat these guys yourself you can get almost all the items - sometimes all of them - by helping people. I've seen people get items after doing 0 damage. You need to be in the top 5 helpers (ie in the top 5 of damage done) to get the item from the boss. If the player winning gets an item AND a bonus item, you generally get both.

Even if you already have the item, the combat pays decent XP and money and gives you XP after the fight.

3. Different rules apply for these combats than traditional bosses. Zynga has really loosened up these bosses over time: you can re-enter a combat after "dying", but that is a separate entrance and you can only enter 25 per day. The weapons and aids are MUCH more effective than in regular boss fights: a shiv does 30% bonus damage (not 30 points like in regular fights), the health kit is a full health refill (not a fraction), and the stun gun stuns the boss twice (not once).

4. There is lots of time for the fights. So you can fight, die, fight, die, fight, die, level for more stamina, etc. These fights have been taking hours at level 3 - but they do provide great loot.

Daily Lottery - Changes you need to know about!

We've all played the daily lottery, but there is an important change you need to know about.

Whenever you play the lottery, you can redeem a reward based upon the number of tickets you have played. Long ago you could guarantee yourself of getting a lottery item by requesting a reward after six tickets. Until recently you could get 1-5 reward points with a good chance of getting at least three points.

Recently, on the 5th time I spoke with Zynga personnel, they admitted that the chance of getting 1 point is not the same as getting 5 points. The last 7 times I have submitted for 1-5 reward points, I've gotten one point. So now I am getting more lottery tickets in hopes of winning lottery items. I have had several collections of the lottery items over time, and they are VERY valuable, so the extra tickets are probably the best thing you can get now.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Building a bigger mafia: Addme

This post and it's comments will be used for "add me" requests. I used to regularly administer {MWAP}, so have a huge mafia (about 5200 members.) What's funny is customer support tells me I should make it smaller but the game still asks me to add people! Every so often I will "pimp" people to get them large numbers of mafia members.

BTW, anyone know how to remove inactive mafia? I hate that I can't always send back "free gifts" - I use up all my invites to send back free gifts - except for one that I use to post a mystery bag to my wall!

Winning in Mumbai

The Mumbai promotion, for one great item a week, is the latest MW mini-city. Each week a job unlocks that requires Bollywood video reels in order to complete the individual jobs in the city.

I've done a lot of these over time. As you do jobs your "heat meter" goes up. The heat meter resets every 8 hours. The key is to not fall behind, since the energy and number of video reels required to "catch up" increases. The cities released have become easier over time: London was very, very difficult to catch up on, but this one can probably be done once or twice a day, instead of every 8 hours, and finished. This is certainly true on the first week - we'll see about the last!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Winning with a small mafia

Some constant MW player has extra farmers with intentionally small mafia that he wants to sell, including one with 3 billion Bhat. Running a small mafia poses interesting challenges and is more rewarding than a large mafia (2,000+). Mafias of 500-2000 people are probably the most fun, but small can be good. By small, I mean fifty or so mafia members.

Why a small mafia? How do you play a small mafia?

The why. Many players have more than one account. I have friends with - literally - over 100 accounts. With a small mafia, the loot posted to the web is easily picked up by the owner - sometime even all of the loot. If a job is posted, the job is easily performed only by the people desired.

It takes a small miracle to catch a job from someone with a very large mafia - they can close in under 15 seconds.

The how. Playing a small mafia takes a lot of patience and skill. To finish the Feds Are Watching promotion it took 3.5 hours per fight. Zynga has really loosened up boss fights, the only thing even making this possible.

A killer problem of playing a small mafia is gifts - or rather the lack of them. With a large mafia I have to delete posts constantly; there are 20 or so players that I do virtually every "Help" request they send, but I can't do 100 a day. If I need stun guns, I have 50 of them on my wall. As a small player, 2 energy jobs are your friend. Need stun guns? Blow 200 energy to do the job 100 times to get 3 of them.

A great reward of small mafias is you know most of you mafia members pretty well. Once you get above 2000 mafia members it is hard to spend time to know the members. Conversely, if you need an item you pray one of your 50 mafia members in a small mafia will help you.

Treasure Island promotion dead

Mafia Wars is still urging people to do the TI promotion where you get a stamina refill for finding a treasure. However, they are not giving the stamina refill and customer javascript:void(0)support will not help you since this promotion is being mistakenly shown in the game.

Serious Loot Bug

I just got off a chat with Zynga customer support to get some of my fight club purchases refunded. There is a bug in calculating the offense and defense of players above 80,000 in total mafia stats: what medium or high level characters that fight DON'T have above 100,000 in each?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Benefits of small mafias

There are a few benefits to having small mafias. Two of the three farmers that I would like to sell the rights to have tiny mafias. I keep them that way so that when they generate loot, I get it. They also can get progress in Las Vegas - without getting XP! This is VERY useful for energy characters: they can do jobs, then finish up by getting progress on the fighting jobs. They lose the fights, get no XP, get progress, so can finish with with the big Cleto job for uber XP and cash!

Finishing Las Vegas?

Only Districts 1-5 are out now. Each district has challenge levels: bronze, silver, gold and ruby. I've gotten all but District 3 done at Ruby level - has anyone gotten District 3 done?

District 5 took almost every thing I had: all the first aid kits, shivs, stung guns and grenades. I think I had a few first aid kits left, using 38 of 40 consumables, to finish.

The District 3 boss has 25,000 or so health. I can't "call for help" and that seems the only way to do it. Has anyone finished her off?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Fighting Rules

Check these changes out!

BETA! Martial Law has been declared! Larger gatherings are banned, so now you can only bring 50 mafia members to a fight - make sure they have the best items!

- Is this to sell items

BETA! The Russian government has armed all the gangs of Moscow. Gang fighting has become more lethal - increase your attack skill to deal more damage, and increase you defense skill to reduce the damage you take.

Have you tried the Tournament in the last hour? It went from difficult to trivial - I was seeing odds of 1:1000, not 10:1! My worst energy friend won the tournament with no offense and 37 mafia!

So reward points anyone? Time for loot!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Slot Machine

I've updated the post below - see the bonus!

Las Vegas includes the new Slot Machine as a MW game. I've played this many times for free, about 30 times for points, and have even won 80 points on one pull. Now I've learned something new and important!

This is my slot machine from Zynga's game. I finally noticed the "Bonus" meter and "Bonus" button. Have you tried it? I just did - and got 70 defense armor! That was worth the points I put into the slot machine just by itself.

The other thing you can do is use the slot machine to create your own machine.

This is related to a new achievement - for thousands of people using your machine. My account has some problems posting, so I can't create a slot machine - but good luck on yours!

So here is my update on the bonus - here is a picture of my last slot reward. It seems to take about 20 plays to get a reward.

Cash in Las Vegas

Everyone needed racks of chips to get into Las Vegas. I still have many of them uncashed and still lost perhaps a million unbanked Las Vegas chips (yes, a million.) However, now I realize the appropriate strategy.


An hour or so ago I used being iced as an opportunity to look at all the jobs I could do and bought loot for them. Then I bought loot with money from my bank. I try to keep my bank half full: I have money for emergencies, but don't keep unbanked money around that could be lost in fights.

Choosing a Class

The most basic choice in the game is the type of character to play: Maniac, Mogul or Fearless. Zynga has changed their advantages over time, but the following are important about these:

1. Each type has an advantage on timers or jobs. Fearless gets back 1 stamina 30 seconds faster. Maniac gets energy back 30 seconds faster. Mogul gets 1/3 more money per job. Mogul collects money faster from properties.

2. Each time can ONLY be associated with certain types of "top mafia." Three of the top mafia positions can be done by any class, but one each is reserved for a mogul, manic or fearless. This is important because if you in a "top mafia" for at least one person, you get a bonus from that position.

Each position has different bonuses. They include extra money from jobs, extra XP from jobs, and spending no XP to do a job.


1. I have played all three types of characters. I did this to be in every top mafia position.

2. I change my class based upon circumstance. My common changes have been to maniac when I am starting a and to mogul when I am done all cities. This way I level more slowly.

It's important to realize that being a higher level character is not always better. While you get 5 skill points for a new level, you need a LOT more than what the skill points give you to get to the next level. So if you don't have jobs you need to do, you might as well get more money.

Zynga has recently really improved and stressed fighting, so I may take up fearless in between cities.

Mafia Wars Glossary

I often use a few terms I believe are common among experienced MW players. Please refer to this glossary for the terms.

Please feel free to recommend other terms and abbreviations.

BK - Bangkok
CCP - Credit Card Player. Someone who succeeds at the game by spending real-world money on loot.
EDP - Every day player. Dedicated players play every day. I've had women break up with me on how much I play!
EW - Energy whore. An energy-heavy character. Energy-heavy characters have been more successful than other types of characters. Zynga does a lot now to make more-than-energy necessary, but I have posts just on energy heavy characters. I have played energy whores: trust me, they level fast.
LV - Las Vegas
MW - Mafia Wars, the game
NYC - New York City

Me and My Mafia

Hi! As an experienced, multi-hour per day player I wanted to start sharing my Mafia Wars expertise for newer players, publish about glitches, share findings on new cities,and to give out some of my excess loot (for free) here. I've ran several different characters, have a 5000+ member mafia and had all the achievements except for the cell phone ones (MW won't change my cell number to my new cell!).

I play MW - a LOT. Too much for many people. And I am intense. So I often don't have messages enabled - please feel free to comment on any post of mine or email me on Facebook.