Zynga has introduced a number of mini-city "challenges" and this article examines completing the challenges easily and efficiently. Some of these challenges have been easier than others but each challenge involves acquiring many consumable items to perform a series of time-driven jobs.
All of these jobs offer good loot upon completing each "big", time-oriented job tier. In Dublin the first of these is "Euro Train." More specifically, the Euro-Train is open for 5 days before the second tier and those two are unlocked before a third. Each tier and each job in a tier must be finished before the next is unlocked.
As you perform the job consumables are used: for Dublin they consumables are Stout Ale's. Once a certain number of jobs are done, the "heat meter" reaches amber, then red. At each level (nothing, amber and red) more consumables and more energy are required do the job.
Each job gives 1 stat point once 100% complete. In Dublin you also get a loot item! Hence the "4x loot" - one loot item for each of the jobs in the tier.
What is the best way to approach these challenges? First, you need lots of the consumables, ranging from hundreds to thousands for the individual challenge. Dublin gives you plenty of time, so it is a little easier than previous challenges; the less time alloted the more quickly you have to do jobs at low energy, i.e., when the heat meter resets after 8 hours.
Second you need energy. When you do one job, you probably want to do the maximum number you can without really hurting your long-term chances. I'm a little vague here because of a few different strategies (below). But you want to do at least 6 jobs at once. If you are low on consumables, you can get more by doing jobs - even 2 energy jobs in NYC!
I've tried these challenges with all sorts of characters. The key to these challenges is to not fall behind. This leads to two strategies I've used and liked:
1. Do the job EVERY 8 hours. Do it no matter what. Do the job only while it is not even at amber level.
2. Do the job every 8 hours - but if you can't (e.g., from working) get AHEAD of the challenge. I had lots of Stout Ales, so started the job on an energy pack level and went all the way through the red category. That gave me about 2 free days worth of not worrying about finishing the job. However, to do this I not only burned thousands of extra energy points and lots of Stout Ales, but I also waited to finish my energy pack for hours - and went to sleep - for the challenge to BEGIN at 8 am my time. But at least I got far enough ahead to not worry about it while at work.
Happy Hunting!
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